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Loss prevention

Loss prevention and detection module deal with unaccounted inventory loss which could be as high as 5% in a lot of companies. This module alone could save $1,000’s for your company.

Manage Petro integrates with most in-truck devices, including registers (LC, MID: COM, TCS), GPS, geo-fencing, and handheld devices (Base Engineering). The integration brings about benefits like inventory consolidation and pumps control to stop dispensing for unauthorized locations and tanks.

Manage Petro can control and track the volume of fuel that goes into each unit. For example, if an individual unit isn’t in the delivery schedule or if a driver is about to put the wrong fuel in the wrong unit/tank, the systems can stop the pump and prevent the loss.

There are multi-layers of protection, prevention, and detection when it comes to Fuel Loss Prevention in Manage Petro:

  • Knowing the fuel type of a Unit / Tank to prevent miss delivery of the wrong product (This is one of the common reasons for detecting discrepancy in your inventory. Wrong product in a wrong uni/tank)
  •  Knowing the maximum capacity of a Unit / Tank system will prevent over delivery to a tank automatically. e.g., 320 Gal can not get and fit into a 300 Gal unit!
  • RFID Tag will allow us to detect the Unit / Tank to identify the Unit name, Fuel Type, and Maximum Capacity. (RFID is optional. Otherwise, system will detect the data through the Unit’s name entry)
  • RFID content connectivity means, to run a managed pump, the RFID tag and RFID reader must be close to each other. If there is more than a 3 seconds disconnection, system will stop the pump from filling up a Unit which is not RFID authenticated.
  • Remote Pump and Register control will prevent human errors in data entry and rounded numbers by mistake when it comes to deliveries. Writing down a wrong number in the forms usually cause fuel loss detection too.
  • Inventory on-hand system will detect any discrepancy, fule re-branding, transfers, loads, and dispenses for every unit of your fuel products. The system is smart, and by detecting suspicious activity, it will notify the company administration about the issue and flag it in the system for more forth investigation.
  • Inventory Reconsolidation will also help with Fuel Loss Detection by every truck per shift.
  • ELD integration will allow seeing if a driver is on his designated route or he/she was somewhere else at the time.
  • The mobile App creates time stamp with Geolocation stamp for every action points. e.g., opening a Ticket, Printing a Ticket. This Geolocation stamps could be matched with the route for loss detection and auditing process.

GeoFencing (optional)
Geo-fencing is a feature that Manag Petoro could enforce and prevent a truck’s pump and register to start if the truck is not at an identified client’s location. The in truck hardware, could control the register and shut down the pump to make sure nobody can pump out the fuel if it is not a client. This option could be overridden with individual permissions for authorized drivers.


RFID detection (optional)

Manage Petro could enforce the existence of a registered client’s RFID tag to keep the register and pump working. In a case that the nozzle detached from the RFID tag, we can command the pump to start instantly. This feature will make sure the fuel goes only and only to registered tanks that registered with a client’s profile and location. This option could be overridden with special permissions for authorized drivers.

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Loss Prevention and Detection Module


  • Fuel loss prevention
  • Integration with in-truck devices
  • GEO fencing
  • RFID tank authentication
  • Detect tank fuel type
  • Control the pump activity (start / stop)


  • More profit
  • Allow only authorized dispensing
  • Eliminate human errors
  • Clarity of inventory and financial
  • Inventory reconsolidation
  • Eliminate human error